MANS Newsletter & Advertising Opportunities

We are accepting articles and advertisements for our upcoming newsletter

Our newsletter will be emailed out and made available on our website and sent to all the neurological surgeons in the state of Michigan and our hospital systems.

Submit Your Article/Advertisement

For Newsletter articles/advertisements, please provide MANS a high resolution .pdf or .jpg ad/logo for the newsletter before January 30, 2025. If it is an article, please send it a word document for an easy copy and paste. You may include images as well. MANS will not edit or proof the ads. Please email the advertisement, article and/or logo to with the subject “MANS 2025 Winter Newsletter Submission”.
For other advertisement opportunities, please email with the subject "MANS advertisement" to communicate your request. Payment can be paid via credit card over the phone or online via invoice. 517-580-5701

Email Article/Advertisement


Newsletter & Advertising Opportunities

For other advertisement opportunities, please email with the subject "MANS advertisement" to communicate your request. Payment can be paid via credit card over the phone or online via invoice. 517-580-5701

Email Article/Advertisement

Newsletter Rates

Full Page $750

Half Page $500

Quarter Page $300

Banner Ad $300

Website Graphic $250

Highlight your company on our conference website with your logo or static graphic (with a hyperlink).  The conference website is the destination for information on the conference, registration, CME information and more.

Social Media Graphic $500 (four posts)

Create awareness for your organization amongst the followers of MANS social media channels.  Content and hyperlink to be scheduled within one calendar year of signed agreement.

Conference Program Advertisement $300

Promote your company and products to attendees with a quarter page ad in the printed, onsite program agenda for our summer meeting.  This is available both in print and online.  Submission deadline end of June prior to summer meeting. 

Dedicated Email $500/Email

Email sent to all registered conference attendees before or during the summer meeting to drive traffic to your booth.  The content and timing of emails are subject to MANS approval.  A limited number of these opportunities are available per year.

Member Email List $1000

The member email list is for a one-time-use, personalized email message to all MANS members.  The email will be sent out by MANS staff.

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